Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on May 7, 2012 By Starcandy In Stardock Support General

I've been having a problem with my recent wallpaper upload. I've tried twice to upload it, and while it has been accepted on both occasions, it only turns up on my personal page, not in the wallpaper gallery. Each time I've uploaded it I've made sure that the option for it to only be displayed on my personal page has been deselected, yet still it turns up there and only there.

Would it be possible for someone to please make it available in the wallpaper gallery, or should I just delete and upload it again?

The wallpaper is titled Red Riding Hood and can be found here

on May 07, 2012

WinCustomize is a moderated site.  If your wallpaper does make it to the public gallery it is placed on your personal page.



on May 07, 2012

Island Dog
If your wallpaper does make it to the public gallery it is placed on your personal page.

Did you mean "does not make it to the public gallery"?

on May 07, 2012


Quoting Island Dog, reply 1If your wallpaper does make it to the public gallery it is placed on your personal page.

Did you mean "does not make it to the public gallery"?

on May 07, 2012

Okily dokily. Thanks Zubaz and ID!

on May 07, 2012

See also: https://forums.wincustomize.com/150760 

Many of us are proud members.

on May 07, 2012

Many of us are proud members.

LMAO! Cheers Zubaz! Consider the PPE to be member, and proud to be.

on May 07, 2012

Congrats Starcandy. You're buyin'.

on May 07, 2012

If by buyin' you mean totally freakin' stony broke, then yes, I'm buyin', lol.