I couldn't wait until then, so I've just bought Object Desktop.
So what's worth installing? Anything that's likely to have issues on Win 7 64 bit?
Okily dokily.
Not sure LogonStudio will be of much use though, seeing as the welcome/logon screen only briefly appears because of the SSD. I don't use screensavers, so I guess that rules Deskscapes out too. Not sure about Soundpackager.
I'll have a play around and see what I like.
Correct... only useful in slower systems.
I'd install it. Deskscapes applies dreams (and walls). Dreams are not screensavers. They are animated desktops. I'd advise installing it and dl'ing whichever dreams you fancy (many have a vid preview). Then judge... some are incredibly beautiful and will continue while you browse and do other things. Game playing becomes more problematic and I suggest suspending them while playing.
Thanks Wiz, Doc and ID.
Object Desktop
How I learned to stop the blandness and love my desktop
Okay, a couple of problems with Windowblinds. First, the Windows taskbar won't show up unless I completely exit Winstep Xtreme. Second, Pale Moon isn't skinning properly. The top bar where the minimise, maximise and close buttons are isn't showing up unless I mouseover it, and the scroll bar seems to stutter and make the program flicker.
It will if NextSTART is running. You need to set it to use the Windows taskbar. Personally, I only use WorkShelf and NeXus .
Now you start having fun. Different browser skin differently, if that makes sense. If you have different browsers on your computer try one of the others and see if it skins okay.
Winstep Xtreme will replace the Windows Taskbar, that's what it does. I believe it's NextStart that does that. (unless I misunderstood what you were saying)
Actually, you can either disable the windows taskbar, via NextStart settings, or you can disable NextStart but continue running Nexus and Workshelf.
When running Winstep Xtreme, NextStart and the windows taskbar both want to be the default taskbar. You need to disable one of them.
If you like the NextStart taskbar, as do I, but prefer the windows start menu, you can set the NextStart start button to give you the windows start menu.
Alternately, you can run NextStart at default and just hit the windows flag key on the keyboard to get the windows start menu.
Thanks guys, I think I've got things sorted now. Sticking with NextStart because it beats the hell out of the Windows taskbar. Switched back to Firefox as well, it seems to skin fine.
Yeah, time to bam things up a notch. BAM!
I didn't know about that one, Jim. Niiiiiice!
Another convert. Excellent!
Yes indeed. Excellent!
Mine stays up until I type in my password.......working without a master password is a bit risky.....I'd go without Anti-Virus/Malware before I did that.