Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on October 2, 2011 By Starcandy In WinCustomize Talk

"Denmark has become the first country in the world to create a fat tax.

The tax, which came into force on Saturday, is a government health drive aimed at encouraging people to buy less foods containing saturated fats.

In practice this means an increase in the price of a pack of butter by 2.20 kroner (25p) to more than 18 kroner (£2.07).

Christian Jensen, who runs a supermarket in Copenhagen, said: "It has been a chaotic week with a lot of empty shelves. People have been filling their freezers.

"But actually I do not think the tax will make that much difference. If people want to buy a cake, they will buy it. But right now they are saving money."

The new tax will affect all foods that contain saturated fats, from butter and dairy products and meats to oils and pre-cooked foods.

Denmark's Confederation of Industries (DI) says the tax will be a bureaucratic nightmare for producers and outlets.

A DI spokeswoman said: "The way that this has been put together is an administrative nightmare, and I doubt whether it will give better health."

"As far as we have been able to determine, Denmark is the first country in the world to introduce a fat tax" but we know that other countries are following us closely and have their own plans, she added."


So how long do you think it's going to be before other countries follow. I'm pretty sure the Government in the UK don't need an excuse to introduce another tax.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 03, 2011

Fuzzy Logic
As long as they don't put a tax on Danish bacon

Only if you can find fat free bacon.
It will get more expensive.

on Oct 03, 2011

Next thing you know they will be taxing us for going to the beach with the excuse that deliberate and prolonged exposure to the sun causes skin cancer. Sigh. lol


Happily the Northern hemisphere now has a hole in their ozone layer too...so perhaps the twits on the "top" of the world will eventually concede that global warming is a genuine issue.

Who's still running CFC refrigeration?....

on Oct 04, 2011

Quoting JcRabbit, reply 27Next thing you know they will be taxing us for going to the beach with the excuse that deliberate and prolonged exposure to the sun causes skin cancer. Sigh. lol


It's not that it doesn't increase the risk of skin cancer (it does), but they would make it sound like you go to the beach and BAM!, you're dead. Then we *all* have to pay the bill for THEIR skin cancer (their argument to brain wash people, of course).

This is what they did with cigarettes, which is bad for you no doubt, but looking at the anti-tobaco fundamentalists behavior these days you would almost say they are truly convinced that taking a whiff from second hand smoke means instant death to them. Sigh.

Getting back to the beach (and the sun tan) it's funny how these things go: back in medieval times, a perfectly pearly white skin was *THE* sign of social status (you see, the only people with tans were peasants, toiling away in the sun, while nobility hid away from it in their castles). Now it's the opposite: a sign of status is to show case a tan all year long, as it usually means that person has a lot of free time to spend on the beach living the good life, while others are forced to toil away in darkened offices.

Happily the Northern hemisphere now has a hole in their ozone layer too...so perhaps the twits on the "top" of the world will eventually concede that global warming is a genuine issue.

Dream on. There's no money to be had there, only money to spend.

on Oct 04, 2011

Only if you can find fat free bacon.
It will get more expensive.

The bastards

on Oct 04, 2011

This is what they did with cigarettes, which is bad for you no doubt, but looking at the anti-tobaco fundamentalists behavior these days you would almost say they are truly convinced that taking a whiff from second hand smoke means instant death to them. Sigh.

They've pretty much killed the Pub trade over here, because not many people want to go outside to smoke when you live in a country that's cold and wet a lot of the time. That in itself has probably increased the number of antisocial behaviour crimes being committed, because so many of the younger generation that would once have gone out for a few swift ones with their friends at the weekend, don't bother doing that now. Instead they invite their friends round to get rat-arsed while playing Xbox or PS3, or just stay at home and have their own personal party, like the jerks that live below me.

They're planning to make all cigarette packaging plain white over here, so that it's less appealing to minors. Yeah, like that'll work! I think all they'll do with that is save the tobacco companies some expense when it comes to the packaging, as the more colours you use, the more it costs. It's generally one of the ways supermarkets keep cost so low on their own brand budget range.

back in medieval times, a perfectly pearly white skin was *THE* sign of social status

It is funny, Jorge. During the time of the Flemish Baroque painter, Peter Paul Rubens, women were considered to look healthy if they were of a 'fuller' figure. Yet these days, women are made to feel so neurotic about their weight and how they look.


on Oct 04, 2011

If the present is the opposite of medieval does that mean medieval is the opposite of sucky?

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