... when you have your first skin accepted!
I've now joined the ranks of the many who have exhibited their creativity on Wincustomize. I never truly imagined when I first started lurking ( ) here that one day I would be submitting work for others to use. It may be hard for you to understand just how happy I am to have done so, or to understand what this has done for my self-confidence. I hope to be submitting work here for many a year to come, and in doing so bring a little bit of happiness to others, and some beauty to their desktop/laptop.
Thank you (again) to Cyndie and Steve. Without their kindness, this wouldn't have been possible. Well it would, but it would have been something completely different and probably crap
Thank you also to all of the skinners on here, past and present. If I hadn't seen your wonderful work over the years, I wouldn't have felt compelled to try and create my own, and know just how you feel to have your creativity appreciated.
Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, the skin. LINK