Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on October 24, 2011 By Starcandy In WinCustomize Talk

... when you have your first skin accepted!

I've now joined the ranks of the many who have exhibited their creativity on Wincustomize. I never truly imagined when I first started lurking ( ) here that one day I would be submitting work for others to use. It may be hard for you to understand just how happy I am to have done so, or to understand what this has done for my self-confidence. I hope to be submitting work here for many a year to come, and in doing so bring a little bit of happiness to others, and some beauty to their desktop/laptop.

Thank you (again) to Cyndie and Steve. Without their kindness, this wouldn't have been possible. Well it would, but it would have been something completely different and probably crap

Thank you also to all of the skinners on here, past and present. If I hadn't seen your wonderful work over the years, I wouldn't have felt compelled to try and create my own, and know just how you feel to have your creativity appreciated.

Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah, the skin. LINK


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 24, 2011


My first here [I think].

{It's for WinAMP} ....BTW....you gotta admire the comment....

"to be completely honest... i dont like it... its too bright and cheery for me i guess... i da kno why i dont like it... i just dont... try doing it in negative colors, or with a black or gray background and see how that works... oh, and this is just my opinion or 2 cents worth... not meaning to offend, just hopin to get a version or mixup that i'll happen to like better... (btw, is this a winamp skin or a bootskin? i ask cuz it was brought up in the bootskin problems forum... which makes me think that this is a bootskin... if its not, then maybe more of a background... i just dont want to overdo the 4bit color limit on bootskins...)"

People smoked much more interesting 'stuff' back then....

Yes, uploading/contributing IS fun.   That's what it's 'all' about...


on Oct 24, 2011

on Oct 24, 2011

"to be completely honest... i dont like it... its too bright and cheery for me i guess... i da kno why i dont like it... i just dont... try doing it in negative colors, or with a black or gray background and see how that works... oh, and this is just my opinion or 2 cents worth... not meaning to offend, just hopin to get a version or mixup that i'll happen to like better... (btw, is this a winamp skin or a bootskin? i ask cuz it was brought up in the bootskin problems forum... which makes me think that this is a bootskin... if its not, then maybe more of a background... i just dont want to overdo the 4bit color limit on bootskins...)"

The cheeky b**tard, lol! I'm surprised he didn't ask you to make him a sandwich too.

 Yeah, I'll try and keep it fun, Jafo. At least on here. My partner on the other hand will have to deal with me being obsessive and neurotic about whether things look good enough or not.

Oh, and thanks to the Mods. All the work and permission means nothing if they don't think it's good enough to be on here.

on Oct 24, 2011

Starcandy, I think it's an awesome first skin!!  Man, I can't wait to see what's next!!   Droolin' here.....but then, I am a hillbilly....   

on Oct 24, 2011

All credit really goes to WebGizmos and Xiandi, they did all the hard work and I just played with what they created. What's next is.... some Dominion drive and folder icons.


Edit: Where are my manners. Thanks Rick and RND!

on Oct 24, 2011

I too feel the same having my skin accepted today. It's a great feeling.  

on Oct 24, 2011

Congrats on making it into the Public galleries. I know the feeling as it wasn't all that long ago that I made it there.

 Now I have many  a few   actually, one wallpaper there to share with the world.

(I'm artistically reclined.)

Keep up the good work SC and roflmaoo.

on Oct 24, 2011

My first you can find in the wall paper gallery. Its called ... I think ... um ... Emerald? Its been awhile. Did the whole thing in MSpaint. That's before I knew anything about other graphics programs.

on Oct 24, 2011

I too feel the same having my skin accepted today. It's a great feeling

It certainly is

Now I have many a few actually, one wallpaper there to share with the world.

One is better than none. Unless it's reaaaaaally bad, in which case....... nah, just kidding, Wiz.

Keep up the good work SC and roflmaoo

Oh man, that's way too much pressure!

on Oct 24, 2011

All credit really goes to WebGizmos and Xiandi, they did all the hard work and I just played with what they created. What's next is.... some Dominion drive and folder icons.


Edit: Where are my manners. Thanks Rick and RND!

Hey, Xiandi says it's all you!!!


Being a long time manipulator of other people's pixels, I know, you have what it takes. This stuff don't just fall together. You did great work here Starcandy!!

on Oct 24, 2011

This stuff don't just fall together.

And thanks to superglue, duct tape and baling wire, RnD's stuff doesn't just fall apart.

on Oct 24, 2011

Congratualtions SC! 

Jafo, I remember that skin when it first came out.  I've always liked the "little round gray Jafo-buttons" in all your themes.

on Oct 24, 2011

Ya did good Helen, and I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you! I know exactly how you feel about uploading a skin. You're nervous and geeked at the same time, lol. I still get that way when i upload something. Congrats on your first skin! 

on Oct 24, 2011

Being a long time manipulator of other people's pixels, I know, you have what it takes. This stuff don't just fall together. You did great work here Starcandy!!

Fairy Nuff!

It took a long time before I realised it's better to eat a slice of Humble pie of your own freewill than be forced to eat it later. It's an important life lesson, and one that's stayed with me. Besides, I become an arrogant bitch if I let praise go to my head too much

on Oct 24, 2011

Thank you, DevenDmer. It's very appreciated. Nice avatar BTW. Mmmmmm....... buff!

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