Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on October 25, 2011 By Starcandy In Sneak Previews

Just a sneaky peeky at the folders I'm working on for the Dominion theme. I started doing the Drive icons and it wasn't happening, so I started doing the folders. I'll return to the drives once I'm done. Still quite a bit to get finished on the regular folder, and then I can start adding others. 

I'm pretty happy with how it's going so far. I'll update as I go along

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on Nov 18, 2011

Cheers Cyndie

Took a day off form the icons today to spend plenty of time with my better half, but I should have the drives finished by Monday at the latest. Then I'll get back to the folders and then start the system files and control panel stuff, which I think make up the bulk of any iconpackage.

I like skinning for a few reasons but mostly because it allows me to work with graphics again. I was good at Graphic Design when I had to do it on the courses prior to my degree, but I never wanted to pursue it as a career because I viewed it as being much the same as marketing and advertising, which I loathe. Skinning is a kind of niche area of Graphic Design to me, only we're not trying to hawk some cheesy wares on people while making them think they're getting something they can't be without. My two penneth, I guess.

Oh yeah, and there's the whole thing with skinning making me feel productive, keeping me sane(ish) and generally stopping me from wanting to do nothing but sit, drool and eat burgers.

on Nov 18, 2011

marketing and advertising, which I loathe.

Another thing we have in common - apart from the weird things that happen to us at Full Moon  - and that's a complete and absolute abhorrence of advertising/advertisers.  They're right up there with effing bankers... or should that be down there?

So glad you're putting your talent to much better use here.... and the more I see the preview the more I like the look of these icons.

on Nov 19, 2011

Another thing we have in common - apart from the weird things that happen to us at Full Moon

Shhhh... ipsnay on the ansformationtray!

on Nov 19, 2011

Keep up the great work, the detail is amazing! This is shaping up to be a "must have" Icon Package.

on Nov 19, 2011

Thanks, Wiz! I'm getting there slowly but surely, and hopefully when I get to the system files it will be easier.

on Nov 19, 2011

Coming along very nicely Starcandy.  

I'm sure someone in a reply above has mentioned this but your attention to detail on each icon is great. 

on Nov 21, 2011

Thanks Philly!

Drives are done and dusted. Didn't put shadows on them, but I will do if people think it's really necessary.

on Nov 21, 2011

oh wow !, very, very nice Starcandy! Looking fantastic!!     --Ace --

on Nov 21, 2011

I are likin' these very much

on Nov 21, 2011

I are likin' these very much
Me too 

on Nov 21, 2011

Thanks guys!

Going to get back to work on the folders this week. Maaaaan, there are so many of the damn things, lol!

on Nov 21, 2011


on Dec 08, 2011

Progress has been slow lately. Winter depression has been hitting hard so my motivation's pretty low. Plus I'm still waiting for my damn Wacom tablet to turn up. Two weeks now and don't even know what is happening with it because the courier company tried delivering it three times... to the wrong bloody address! Freakin' morons! That resulted in it being returned to sender, so my partner is hoping to hear something from Amazon soon. Really pissed 'cause I need it for a couple of folder related things.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd post an update. OP image has been changed, but seven icons in two weeks is totally weak. My apologies.


on Dec 08, 2011

No need to apologize. It'll get done when it gets done... and they look awesome!

on Dec 08, 2011

Damn right they do! I'm reserving a special place for them when they hit the gallery.

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