Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Not that guy out of 'Cheers'
Published on December 29, 2011 By Starcandy In Community

I can't help but notice that things have become real quiet on here lately, as far as skinners/skinning. Is it due to the time of year, or is there another reason, such as people staying away because of the cross forum activity?

Not looking to start the debate on cross forum posting again. Just wondering why it's so quiet. Where are you guys?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 30, 2011

Come on Kitty give us old single guys a break. You are really making it HARD for us thinking about it.

hmm...single hey? i will donate to you a return flight to vulcun...i here the women there are rather passionatley voilent...


we have absolutely no control over the direction that the forums take, be serious.

sounds like greggles needs a good game of "Jolly fun Chocolate" with his wife.....


It has been a very, very long time since I've had the "Jolly fun chocolate" or similar excitement going on in my private life, doubt that is going to change anytime soon.....or ever, for that matter. Have a great New Years celebration and make it a memory you will never forget!! -- Ace ---

hmm, this is the rules for Jolly Fun,

1. first you have to get onto the show (most contestants are over 90, so its a long line)

2. once you are on the show with your partner, friend, or whatever, this is what happens.....

3.  the show host gives one of you a box of chocolates (one of those big boxes that has like 50 different kinds of soft centres with dark and milk chocolate. ) You then have 30 seconds to try and memorize each chocolate.

4.After your 30 seconds are up, your partner then decides what chocolate they want.

5. You now have 1 minute to find the right chocolate and give it to them.

6. Your partner accepts the chocolate, but they must decide whether to trust you, and make a bet , or not trust you and bet nothing, (everyone starts with 250dollars per couple)

7. your partner then eats the chocolate, if its correct you double the money you betted, if the chocolate is wrong, you lose the bet.

8. the couple with the highest amount of money at the end of round one is the winner.

its such a cool game!!! *giggles*





on Dec 30, 2011

1. first you have to get onto the show (most contestants are over 90, so its a long line)

HeHe.....I don't know why that makes me chuckle, but it just strikes me as very humorous...LOL !!

on Dec 30, 2011

By the way, I'm working on my 9th beer

9th! You lightweight!

on Dec 30, 2011

hmm...single hey? i will donate to you a return flight to vulcun...i here the women there are rather passionatley voilent...

That's what I'm talking about, fun times.

on Dec 30, 2011


Is this the norm?


I thought this was.........





on Dec 30, 2011

I thought this was.........

SHhhh. I got this one.

on Dec 30, 2011

NORM : " Yeah Sammy, it's a dog eat dog world out there, and I'm wearin' milk-bone underwear ! "

on Dec 30, 2011

NORM : " Yeah Sammy, it's a dog eat dog world out there, and I'm wearin' milk-bone underwear ! "

To much information for me. Maybe someone else will be interested.

on Dec 30, 2011

What ... no appreciation for for those who would emulate such a ...a ...a ... I never did like that show.

on Dec 30, 2011

sounds like greggles needs a good game of "Jolly fun Chocolate" with his wife.....

me being retired and she works from home, I'm wondering if constant "pat and tickle" qualifies?

on Dec 31, 2011

1. first you have to get onto the show (most contestants are over 90, so its a long line)
2. once you are on the show with your partner, friend, or whatever, this is what happens.....
3.  the show host gives one of you a box of chocolates (one of those big boxes that has like 50 different kinds of soft centres with dark and milk chocolate. ) You then have 30 seconds to try and memorize each chocolate.
4.After your 30 seconds are up, your partner then decides what chocolate they want.
5. You now have 1 minute to find the right chocolate and give it to them.
6. Your partner accepts the chocolate, but they must decide whether to trust you, and make a bet , or not trust you and bet nothing, (everyone starts with 250dollars per couple)
7. your partner then eats the chocolate, if its correct you double the money you betted, if the chocolate is wrong, you lose the bet.
8. the couple with the highest amount of money at the end of round one is the winner.

Wrong game, too many rules. This is all you need:-

1. Cover partner in chocolate

2. nibble chocolate

on Dec 31, 2011

Or together with peanut butter and a slice of banana in strategically located places.

on Dec 31, 2011

Quoting Vampothika,
reply 31
sounds like greggles needs a good game of "Jolly fun Chocolate" with his wife.....

me being retired and she works from home, I'm wondering if constant "pat and tickle" qualifies?

sure does brother......

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