Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on August 26, 2011 By Starcandy In New Users


My name is Helen. I'm a long time lurker and finally decided to join. If nothing else, it makes it so I don't have to refer to myself as a lurker anymore. Which is great considering the voyeuristic overtone I read into the word lurker


I've lurked ( ) for so long mostly because of my clinical depression and general misanthropy. I figured it was time to try and put myself out amongst people again, even if it is only online, and having lurked ( ) for so long I know what a wonderful bunch of people there are on here, so where better to start attempting to socialise again. I'm presently using Winstep Xtreme and the free version of Cursor FX, though I'm hoping to make some purchases in the near future. Object Desktop seems like a good buy from a value standpoint, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying considering how much of it doesn't function/has problems with Windows 7 64 bit, and as much as I'd like to, I can't say whether skinning is something I could do.

So, a little information about me. I live in the sunny North-West of England (no wonder I'm bloody depressed, lol) and I spend most of my time online with my fiancee, who lives in Ohio, USA. I'm a sometime artist. Mostly as and when funds permit me to produce artwork, which isn't very often. I enjoy Ben Elton novels, video games and the occasional movie, as well as a few different genres of music (EBM/Industrial, Techno, some Drum 'n' Bass, Alternative type stuff). All in all, I guess I live a very simple life. But then, I believe that life is not complicated; people are complicated. As such, life is as complicated as you make it. Hey, I think I know what to write in the motto part of my account


I'm glad to be here, finally, and look forward to getting to know people on here better. To help get things off to a good start, I'll promise now that I will never ask Fuzzy Logic why his username is Fuzzy Logic

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 26, 2011


on Aug 26, 2011

I believe that life is not complicated; people are complicated. As such, life is as complicated as you make it.

That's a great point of view to have, Helen. 

Let me be among the first to welcome you here to WinCustomize. As you've noticed, it's pretty friendly here with only a few resident loonies. Most of them have been photoshopped into submission.  Well, not so much submission as overexposure, but we love 'em all here. 

Have fun, see you around and if there is anything a member can do for you, just ask .

"There is more to life than increasing it's speed"


on Aug 26, 2011

Glad you joined us Helen and welcome. Lurk all you want now and even post.

on Aug 26, 2011

Object Desktop seems like a good buy from a value standpoint, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying considering how much of it doesn't function/has problems with Windows 7 64 bit,

It's worth buying!  I have Windows 7, 64 bit, and I don't have any problems with any of the software that has come out of beta.  The dysfunction is usually a temporary thing with the beta versions--let somebody else test it for bugs and just get the official versions.

I'm glad you've come out of hiding and I hope to see much more of you around here. 

on Aug 26, 2011

Thank you Zubaz and Wizard1956.

It's kind of hard not to notice how friendly people are here. It's also hard not to notice the resident loonies, though there's more than a few if you ask me

I've also noticed the photoshopped images, especially of Po. So many images of Po. So many disturbing images of Po. Which is why I'm not uploading any images of myself for many a moon to come. I am going to have a stab at uploading some desktop images into the August desktop thread. Is there any specific way to do that on here, or will using the forum link provided by Imageshack suffice?

Also, seeing as I'll try making an avatar for myself, does anyone know what the hell a Starcandy might look like? It could have been worse, I was considering Nose Candy to start with. That's what you get when you use band songs for usernames.

on Aug 26, 2011


on Aug 26, 2011

Welcome to the Hotel Mad House. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.  

on Aug 26, 2011

does anyone know what the hell a Starcandy might look like

I Googled it, Take a lurk look.  LINK

on Aug 26, 2011

Glad you joined us Helen and welcome. Lurk all you want now and even post.

Thanks Davebax. Will do

It's worth buying!  I have Windows 7, 64 bit, and I don't have any problems with any of the software that has come out of beta.  The dysfunction is usually a temporary thing with the beta versions--let somebody else test it for bugs and just get the official versions.

I'm glad you've come out of hiding and I hope to see much more of you around here. 

Thanks for the info k10w3. I'll look into buying it in the next month or two when funds become available, and I'll get a Wincustomize subscription while I'm at it. I'll also try and put in an appearance. Baby steps


on Aug 26, 2011

We can lurk?

on Aug 26, 2011

Welcome, it gets a little crazy at times but....

on Aug 26, 2011

Helen, welcome! Great to see lurkers unlurk (?) delurk (?) themselves. 

Please don't be afraid to post a picture. The only reason Po' gets shopped so much is because he's loved by (almost) all. I shop him when things get dull (starkers and his missus, Zubaz, Wiz and Jim the RedneckDude as well) - we've all been friends for ages. You have to be special to earn the right to expect a shop (or do something incredibly weird).

Most of all, we want you to enjoy yourself here at St, Mary's of Bethlehem.... err... WinCustomize. 


P.S. - Zubaz's greeting was so short because of a typing problem....

on Aug 26, 2011

*No one can see me now cause I am lurking. mwhahahahahahaha

on Aug 26, 2011

Philly0381, Hankers, gmc2 and DrJBHL, thank you all for the welcome

Considering how welcoming everyone is being, I'm sure I'll enjoy myself here at Hotel Mad House, St. Mary's of Bethlehem, Royston Vasey, Wincustomize.

on Aug 26, 2011

*No one can see me now cause I am lurking. mwhahahahahahaha

No one can see you because you suck light worse than a black hole.

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