Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on August 26, 2011 By Starcandy In New Users


My name is Helen. I'm a long time lurker and finally decided to join. If nothing else, it makes it so I don't have to refer to myself as a lurker anymore. Which is great considering the voyeuristic overtone I read into the word lurker


I've lurked ( ) for so long mostly because of my clinical depression and general misanthropy. I figured it was time to try and put myself out amongst people again, even if it is only online, and having lurked ( ) for so long I know what a wonderful bunch of people there are on here, so where better to start attempting to socialise again. I'm presently using Winstep Xtreme and the free version of Cursor FX, though I'm hoping to make some purchases in the near future. Object Desktop seems like a good buy from a value standpoint, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying considering how much of it doesn't function/has problems with Windows 7 64 bit, and as much as I'd like to, I can't say whether skinning is something I could do.

So, a little information about me. I live in the sunny North-West of England (no wonder I'm bloody depressed, lol) and I spend most of my time online with my fiancee, who lives in Ohio, USA. I'm a sometime artist. Mostly as and when funds permit me to produce artwork, which isn't very often. I enjoy Ben Elton novels, video games and the occasional movie, as well as a few different genres of music (EBM/Industrial, Techno, some Drum 'n' Bass, Alternative type stuff). All in all, I guess I live a very simple life. But then, I believe that life is not complicated; people are complicated. As such, life is as complicated as you make it. Hey, I think I know what to write in the motto part of my account


I'm glad to be here, finally, and look forward to getting to know people on here better. To help get things off to a good start, I'll promise now that I will never ask Fuzzy Logic why his username is Fuzzy Logic

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 26, 2011

I'll promise now that I will never ask Fuzzy Logic why his username is Fuzzy Logic

Heavens....knowing NOT to ask that means you really HAVE been lurking quite a while...

Lurking is good.  That's how I started into skinning.  OK, so it WAS long ago and in a distant galaxy [skinz.org] but it helped to 'try' to understand the madmen [and women] that make up skinning.....

I still don't understand them....mostly....

on Aug 26, 2011

I Googled it, Take a lurk look.  LINK

I looked at the Google Image results, and well, there were so many pictures of Barbie-esque girls/women. That's some scary s**t right there! In fact, between them and the cutesy poo Super Mario star thing, I may have trouble sleeping tonight. 

Just kidding, Wizard1956 . I have an idea of something that might work, I just need to write it down now, before I forget.


on Aug 26, 2011

Heavens....knowing NOT to ask that means you really HAVE been lurking quite a while...

Um yes. To be honest, I think I've lurked long enough for Fuzzy Logic to have explained it on two separate occasions. I couldn't tell you what it actually means though. What I can tell you is that it was a great sleep aid

I still don't understand them....mostly....

I've no chance then.

on Aug 26, 2011

sunny North-West of England


I'm from Wigan originally, (Bryn actually) and I'm not buying that for a minute !


Welcome Helen.

on Aug 26, 2011

Thank you Zubaz and Wizard1956.

It's kind of hard not to notice how friendly people are here. It's also hard not to notice the resident loonies, though there's more than a few if you ask me
Why were "loonies" referenced right aftre Wiz and myself were refererenced?  What are you trying to say?

on Aug 26, 2011

I'm from Wigan originally, (Bryn actually) and I'm not buying that for a minute !

Shhhhhhh, the others don't know that

Welcome Helen.

Thanks vStyler!

on Aug 26, 2011

Why were "loonies" referenced right aftre Wiz and myself were refererenced?  What are you trying to say?

Oh, nothing really . Don't worry, I'll be referencing loonies in no particular order  .

on Aug 26, 2011

You don't want to ask Fuzzy Logic about his name. It's a Looooooooooooong, Drawn out, and boring explanation. Hi, Fuzzy!

Grand Raspberries to all and to all a good night.

on Aug 26, 2011

Why were "loonies" referenced right aftre Wiz and myself were refererenced? What are you trying to say?

What's that saying...something like if the shoe fits.


Helen...nice to see you joining in with the in crowd.

You do realize by merely bringing it up, Fuzzy will feel obligated to explain.


on Aug 26, 2011

Hey Helen.... I'm from sunny Devon originally... now in Queesnland [Australia].... sunny one day, perfect the next.

Well that's on days we don't have global warming and/or climate change.... when it's usually gloomy and raining political speeches.

But enough about Aussie politics and more about me... tho if you've been lurking as long as you say, you already know that I'm the village idiot around here.

Believe me, these Americans [and others] 'd have no idea what loony is until they've lived with me... just ask mrs starkers. 

Yup, she can tell you that there is never a dull moment around me... and has recordings of me talking in my sleep to prove it.

Anyhow, Helen me old filly, welcome to the asylum and may your stay be eventful, joyous and replaces the need for meds.

on Aug 27, 2011

Getting involved is soooo much more fun than lurking. Welcome!

on Aug 27, 2011

Welcome to WinCustomize. ObjectDesktop is the way to go.

on Aug 27, 2011

welcome to wc helen..we really call lurking "stalking" lolz

luvz your avatar name starcandy.........too cool!


on Aug 27, 2011

At least you managed to get Old Crab out from under his rock. Bah humbug

on Aug 27, 2011

All in all, I guess I live a very simple life.

I have about 8 or 9 ex GFs called Helen. They were all simple

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