Just me generally foaming at the mouth on the usual kind of subjects.
Published on August 26, 2011 By Starcandy In New Users


My name is Helen. I'm a long time lurker and finally decided to join. If nothing else, it makes it so I don't have to refer to myself as a lurker anymore. Which is great considering the voyeuristic overtone I read into the word lurker


I've lurked ( ) for so long mostly because of my clinical depression and general misanthropy. I figured it was time to try and put myself out amongst people again, even if it is only online, and having lurked ( ) for so long I know what a wonderful bunch of people there are on here, so where better to start attempting to socialise again. I'm presently using Winstep Xtreme and the free version of Cursor FX, though I'm hoping to make some purchases in the near future. Object Desktop seems like a good buy from a value standpoint, but I'm not sure if it's worth buying considering how much of it doesn't function/has problems with Windows 7 64 bit, and as much as I'd like to, I can't say whether skinning is something I could do.

So, a little information about me. I live in the sunny North-West of England (no wonder I'm bloody depressed, lol) and I spend most of my time online with my fiancee, who lives in Ohio, USA. I'm a sometime artist. Mostly as and when funds permit me to produce artwork, which isn't very often. I enjoy Ben Elton novels, video games and the occasional movie, as well as a few different genres of music (EBM/Industrial, Techno, some Drum 'n' Bass, Alternative type stuff). All in all, I guess I live a very simple life. But then, I believe that life is not complicated; people are complicated. As such, life is as complicated as you make it. Hey, I think I know what to write in the motto part of my account


I'm glad to be here, finally, and look forward to getting to know people on here better. To help get things off to a good start, I'll promise now that I will never ask Fuzzy Logic why his username is Fuzzy Logic

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 27, 2011

Hey Starcandy! I live over in Leeds (it rains a lot here too). I'm the opposite of you, I went from active to lurker. These lot don't realise I'm still watching their every move, lol.

Have Fun!!

on Aug 27, 2011

Is that 'oooo aaaaarr, I've got a brand new combine harvester' country


It be me lovely, it be... and despite being here in Oz for 42 years, I still 'aves me Devonshire aaaaccent.  oooo arrrrr.

quote who="Starcandy" reply="38" id="2988776"]I'll have to do a transcript of some of the late, great Bill Hicks for you. He did a great bit about Australia and all the English convicts. Makes me laugh every time.[/quote]

Sounds good... looking forward to it.

I doubt I'll be quitting the meds, but I'm hoping being around good people will at least help to restore my faith in humanity a little. And if people didn't have hope, why would we even bother to get out of bed

Nothing wrong with meds... tho I'm not too fond of laxatives.  I love happy pills and stuff that eases the pain, though

(besides going to the loo).

You get out of bed for that? 

Seriously, me too.... have to at my age.... several times a night... morning, whenever I get to bed.... like it's 2.30 am and I'm still not sleepy.  Yeah, that's another story!  I suffer with insomnia and spinal issues that keep me awake.  About a year ago I got a Viagra stuck in my throat and I've had a stiff neck ever since.

Okay, the bit about the Viagra didn't happen, but I do have a stiff neck that keeps me awake nights.  The doc says it's inoperable but reckons he'll give it a bit of lubricant at my next grease and oil change... which hopefully helps me swallow these flamin' horse pills he prescribed.


on Aug 27, 2011

Hey Starcandy! I live over in Leeds (it rains a lot here too). I'm the opposite of you, I went from active to lurker. These lot don't realise I'm still watching their every move, lol.

Have Fun!!

Hey BoXXi! One of the nutty ex's I mentioned a few posts up lives in Leeds. Long may she stay there

I like your avatar. The art style reminds of some that I've seen before, though I can't remember his name. It became very popular amongst Graphic Designers. Aaaaarggghh, that's going to bug me all day now until I find out what he's called.

on Aug 27, 2011

Thanks for the welcome karmat

on Aug 27, 2011

Anybody want to help a gal out with posting images (specifically screenshots)? I see an insert/edit image button on here, but I've no idea how it works.

on Aug 27, 2011

You know . . for an ex-lurker you surehave got the hang of posting pretty quick. 


This link may help you out with the screenshot: http://wiki.wincustomize.com/wiki/Screenshots:_How_to_make_one#Tips

on Aug 27, 2011

have no idea what loony is until they've lived with me..

ahhh so that's why  I spent some time in the mental hospital, YOU sent me loony, hmmm time fer me meds

oh and welcome Helen, hope you have fun while you're here

on Aug 27, 2011

ahhh so that's why I spent some time in the mental hospital, YOU sent me loony,

Bollocks!!!!  Be honest, you went there for a vacation with room service and better meds than we have here at home.

Yeah, that's right, Helen, mrs s goes to the funny farm to chill out with her peers... and to ensure staff wait on her hand and foot, she takes one of my strait jackets from home and gets one of the other inmates to do it up.  She's a sneaky one like that, let me tell you.  Also unbeknown to funny farm staff, there's a hidden zipper for quick release so she can play silly buggers, participate in basket weaving and scratch her own backside as required.

on Aug 27, 2011

Starcandy -

If you'd like, here's an avatar picture for you - it's in .png format and is 100x100 pixels.

To put it in, all you have to do is save it to somewhere you'll remember on your computer then go to joeuser.com and sign in with the same name and password you use for WinCustomize.

Then look at the top of the page and go to "My Account" and then "Images". you want the upper one. Then just choose the upper button to upload it.

on Aug 27, 2011

If Starcnady and I ever hooked up:


on Aug 27, 2011

You know . . for an ex-lurker you sure have got the hang of posting pretty quick. 


This link may help you out with the screenshot: http://wiki.wincustomize.com/wiki/Screenshots:_How_to_make_one#Tips

Thanks for the link, Zubaz. You're a

I fluffed it the first time, but it clicked after that.

on Aug 27, 2011

If Starcnady and I ever hooked up:


I hope those aren't Mardi Gras beads. I know what the women do to get them

on Aug 27, 2011

Thanks for the image and link, DrJBHL. I'm going to work on one asap.

on Aug 27, 2011

Bollocks!!!! Be honest, you went there for a vacation with room service and better meds than we have here at home.

Hahahaha, yeah right, you just don't want to face the truth , and the truth is I go cos you drove me insane and yeah their meds are better than the ones we have at home  next time I will have you committed so that I can have a break

on Aug 27, 2011

You're welcome...

Take your time and have fun... that one was just to hold you until you find a better one or a much more skilled graphics person makes on for you. Someone like theA/VMan.. K10w3, Vampothika, Xiandi, DaveBax, Po'Smedley or skinhit... there are so many fantastic artists here, Helen... and the better they are, the friendlier they seem to be.

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